By on November 25, 2022


Poker is a game of skill, not chance. We are aware of it, but not everyone is. Let's look at why.

People often think of poker, especially the Texas Hold'em version, as a game of luck rather than skill. With 52 cards dealt at random by a dealer, the chances of your hand lining up to win a round are extremely low.

But would you believe that studies show that winning at poker requires more skill than luck?


The elephant in the room is that in some types of poker, players show their cards to the whole table, while in others they don't. With some parts of the hand being shared publicly on the table, all players have enough information to turn the game to their advantage. A good example would be community card variants, in which even a losing hand can be turned into a round-winning hand with just enough skill.

Keeping one's cards to oneself, on the other hand, would force people to win the game by chance, as no one knows how their opponent is doing throughout the game. Draw poker variations are a good example of this because only the player knows what cards are in their hand.


There is also the power of arithmetic, which can be used to win every round of poker until the game is won. The math involved in poker, which is commonly used by professional poker players, forces people to make do with numbers in order to strategically bring the odds in their favor.

Probability is a branch of mathematics that is particularly useful in these types of games. In fact, it quickly gives clear factors that can help a player decide what the best next strategic move is. This is where all of the terms like outcomes, odds, pot odds, implied odds, and expected values come into play.


There is a reason why professional poker players exist. They show that skill can be used to win the game rather than mindlessly aiming until you win a pot. Pro poker players use poker mathematics to their advantage at every round, making them clear winners by the end of the game.

The fact that a game has professionals and is played at a high level only suggests that luck can be easily set aside for anyone to win a game. That's assuming, of course, that the player in question is smart enough and has the right skills.


A casual end-of-week poker game doesn't really push anyone to excel, especially since everyone knows it's nothing serious. With no money at stake and no rank at stake, the players of this casual game would rather rely on luck than think hard in order to win a round or the entire game.

A high-stakes poker tournament, on the other hand, would test the mettle of any professional player. In these kinds of games, all of the players at the table keep track of the odds as the game goes on, making sure that they lose as little as possible while slowly making their way to success. It's a feat of skill and wit in action, ensuring that only the best will triumph in the end.

Professional poker players use forward-thinking poker strategies to win games, but they also apply the same logic to their careers. As incredible as it may appear, these people can calculate when they should win or lose. Of course, despite strategically "losing" a few games along the way, the endgame would always be with the player having more value and a higher rank.


Casinos need money to survive and thrive, even if their games require them to give some of their winnings back to their customers. As complicated as the system is, there is a house edge or house advantage that ensures the odds are slightly skewed in favor of the casino. In most casino table games, such as Blackjack, the dealer is the person representing the establishment at each table.

In competitive poker games, on the other hand, dealers are the only ones who run the game and make sure it is fair for everyone at the table. This setup forces the players to use their skills against one another despite the fact that they do not share an enemy. A fight or flight instinct would be activated in the "every man for himself" mindset. This ensures that all players use their skills to the best of their abilities.

Casinos profit from poker cash games by taking a small percentage of each pot. They simply hold a percentage of the total prize pool in tournaments.


Most people still don't think of poker as a game of skill, which is one of the biggest problems it has as a fair game with real prizes. Even though many pieces of evidence and studies have been presented in court, most U.S. lawmakers still think that poker is a game of chance.

The fact that professional poker players in the UK do not have to pay taxes on their winnings is a good example of this. In the US, on the other hand, online poker has been illegal since a law was passed in 2006 making it so.


Answers to frequently asked questions about the role of chance and skill in poker.

Is Texas Hold'em poker a chance game?

If the stakes are low enough for the players to only care about who wins or loses, a game of Texas Hold'em would be driven by chance. Otherwise, one's abilities and wits can be used to devise a strategy and have the game work in one's favor over multiple hands.

What makes poker a skill game?

A serious game of poker requires a lot of math and psychology. Arithmetic relies heavily on counting odds and outcomes, as well as determining expected values at each round. Psychology, on the other hand, comes into play whenever a player reads the tells of everyone at the table or tries to change their play style based on the stakes, rules, or style of the game.

Do poker players bluff arbitrarily?

In-game bluffs are well-informed decisions. A player would decide to make such a risky move after noticing some obvious "tells" from the other players at the table.

When new poker players bluff, they are probably trying to copy what the pros do in the hopes that their random moves will work.

What is it about poker that makes it a game of chance?

The fact that every player still gets some cards dealt to them randomly in every game is the main reason why chance is considered a part of poker. At the end of the day, a player's ability to win a round or game depends on how they react to the situation with the cards they have.

What poker variation necessitates more skill than chance?

Players can take advantage of the situation in poker games where part of the hand is shown to everyone, like in "community card" games.

Overall, it is safe to say that poker is ultimately a game of skill rather than chance. With the right amount of skill at any player's disposal, the game focuses on minimizing losses and maximizing chances, turning any bad hand into a good round. Even though there is a lot of evidence and studies that show skill-based poker works, only time will tell if it becomes a widely accepted fact.