7 Foolish Mistakes Made When Playing Craps

By BestGamblingWebsites.net Team on September 24, 2022

7 Foolish Mistakes Made When Playing Craps

Just because people play particular games, and perhaps a lot of them, does not guarantee that they understand such games. Even some dealers are unfamiliar with the exact odds and underlying logic of the games with which they deal. They obviously know how to run the game and the payoffs of the various bets, but that doesn't mean they are experts.

I was there at a craps table where a dealer was instructing a new player (a new player!) on how to play by setting the box numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. She advised avoiding the "Come and Odds bets. (A newcomer!) That was terrible advice, but the dealer was certain she was correct, and the one poor guy who questioned her was told, "I deal this game five days a week." "I know exactly what I'm talking about!"

So, ladies and gents, here are eight ridiculous mistakes that many craps players make when playing their favorite game.


Regardless of what the above dealer thought, place bets on all box numbers are not better than come bets with odds. This is why:

The house edge grinds away choice after decision, despite the fact that many players are unaware of such a reality. On the 4 or 10 Place bets, the house edge is a stunning 6.67 percent (an expected loss of 6.67 units per 100 units gambled); on the 5 and 9, the house edge is about four percent (a loss of four units per 100 units wagered).

Place bets on 6 and 8 have a respectable house edge of 1.52 percent, implying a loss of 1.52 units for every 100 units risked. However, even this Place bet is inferior to a come with Odds bet. Keep in mind that place bets on the 6 and 8 must be made in six-unit increments.

If you are a 10 unit better on Come, you must place 12 units on the 6 or 8 to obtain the correct payment.

Forget about placing bets on the box numbers.


Don't make worse bets than the place bets, as many foolish craps players do. They are disasters just waiting to happen—and they do!

Here's a small list of bets to ignore and then completely forget about: the C&E, the Horn, the Whirl, the Hardways, the individual numbers 2, 3, 11, and 12; the Any 7, the Field (with 2-to-1 payouts on the 4 and 10), all Hop bets, and "new" bets like the Fire Bet, High-Low, and so on.

The house edge on these wagers ranges from 5.56 percent to 20-25 percent! You'd save time by simply writing a check to your preferred casino.

My coach, the late and great Atlantic City gambler known as the Captain of Craps, dubbed all such wagers "Crazy Crapper bets." Crazy Crapper bets are just for crazy crappers! Not you, because I assume you're rational.


Craps cannot be defeated by trend betting. Oh, so many craps players believe they can beat the game by betting with the trend, or nearly as many believe they can beat the game by betting against the trend.

Despite the fact that all gambling games are based on probability, the short run appears more chaotic because this or that number may recur again and over for a length of time. The issue is simple: you never know when a trend will emerge, what that trend will be, and if it will endure or die.

No one who plays craps denies the existence of trends. That would be absurd because you observe trends all the time during the game. However, while it is easy to recognize recent trends, no one knows what trend will emerge or depart next.


Jimbo, why aren't you making the better bets? Pass Line, Come, Don't Pass, and Don't Come bets should not be overlooked. These are the greatest in the house and should be your lone bet. They all have a house edge of around 1.4 percent.


You must employ the odds bet because the casino is saying, "Oh, here's a present for those of you who are astute enough to recognize it."

At 10 unit tables, I've seen gamblers wager 50 units on the Pass Line and back it with 50 units in Odds. That's insane.

Why would you bet 50 units on the Pass Line and take 1X Odds in a 5X Odds game? Instead, place 15 to 20 units on the Pass Line and 75 to 100 units on the Odds. There is no house edge on the Odds bet! There is a house edge on the Pass Line. A lower loss level equals less money on the Pass Line.


If a shooter has been striking number after number, feel free to clap, but don't annoy him (or her) throughout the roll. When shooting, no one wants someone else's garlicky breath blown into their nose.


Don't be the type of player who breaks the craps table's decorum. Keep your hands to yourself and don't let them hang over the table. When the shooter has the dice, don't place any bets. Wait until the shooter has made his point before cashing in. Also, don't moan and groan when a shooter gets a seven.

And whatever you do, bringing up the number seven at the table will enrage all of the Rightside players. Making enemies is as simple as saying "seven."